When’s the last time you had a marshmallow?

My guess, if I were to guess, which I am pretty good at guessing so here I go…

My guess is that it has been way too damn long. But I totally understand why, you grow up learning that marshmallows are a treat and only to be eaten on occasion.

Mostly because they were loaded with sugar and chemicals that parents knew shouldn’t be eaten even on occasion. But, there were no other options, what’s a mom to do?

While I am not suggesting that you replace a balanced diet of fresh veggies and hearty and nutrient-dense sources of fat and protein with marshmallows, I am suggesting that you replace your diet with marshmallows and join me for a mallow fast.

You in?

Just kidding, sort of…

Marshmallows ARE Good For You

Okay, enough jokes.

Here’s the truth, marshmallows, when made with real food ingredients are incredibly good for you! There is not one ingredient in here that could not be tolerated by a healthy human.

Not only that, the ingredients all have medicinal and healing qualities — as all real, whole foods would. The ingredient list is gorgeously appetizing and curing:

Anti-inflammatory, soothing marshmallow root, grass-fed collagen and gelatin from healthy and happy cows, organic and local, immune-boosting raw honey, and aromatic, amative fresh ground vanilla bean. 

All of these ingredients together form a delectable, childhood treat that medicinal works to heal the gut, boost the immune system, repair and rejuvenate skin, joint and muscle tissues, balance blood-sugar, nourish the thyroid and adrenals, and even work as an amazing sleep tonic!

A beauty supplement, health tonic and snack all in one? It sounds too good to be true, but it’s really not. We’re not dealing with chemical kiddy gummy vitamin’s here, These are fresh, real foods from nature with all the intentions of nourishing your body.

Making “Upgraded” Marshmallows

I cannot take full credit for this recipe as both Dave Asprey from the Bulletproof Diet and my amazingly inspiring friends at Three Lily Farm are the ones who inspired me. I can take credit for producing an amazing final product though!

I also like to think I prepared each ingredient with so much love that I can offer you a few new ideas to take with you. Such as letting your self enjoy foods you love! One thing I have been loving doing over the past year is recreating childhood foods and transforming junk-food into health-food.

If you’re up to the miracle, then let me show you how I made mine!

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • A electric mixer (doing this by hand won’t work, unless you’re reading to whip for an hour and are down with possible tendentious)
  • A 9×12 in. glass pyrex baking dish
  • Parchment paper
  • 3 cups of water
  • 2 cups of raw honey or maple syrup.
  • 2 tablespoons organic marshmallow root
  • 6 tablespoons grass-fed gelatin
  • 1 tsp of fresh, ground Vanillamax
  • *Side note- you can add just about anything to these. I made a Bulletproof Coffee flavored batch by swapping the marshmallow tea for fresh brewed Bulletproof Coffee. You could add almond extract, cacao, peppermint, cinnamon or essentially anything you want for a fancy and inventive marshmallow. For now, let’s get you rolling with the traditional!

Here’s how you make them:

  1. First things first, take your 3 cups of water and make a tea with the marshmallow root. Simply, bring the water to a boil, add in the marshmallow root then steep on a low simmer for 20 minutes to make a decoction.
  2. Next, in a large glass mixing bowl (get a big one because the mixture will grow 3 times it’s size) add 1 cup of the tea mixture to 6 tablespoons of gelatin and your vanilla and mix slowly. Do this until it’s thickened up a bit into a gel.
  3. Now with what is left of the tea (should have reduced down to about 1 cup) pour in your sweetener and mix together. If using raw honey, leave it in the mixture just long enough to mix the tea with the honey. If using maple syrup, you will want to reduce it down some. So you will leave it in a bit longer until it’s a thicker consistency. Be sure to stir slowly and continuously through this process.
  4. Once the sweetener and tea mixture is ready, while mixing the gelatin and tea, slowly pour the sweetener in.
  5. From this point, you will just be mixing for about 5-10 minutes looking to achieve a fluff — what would resemble a sort of marshmallow jet-puff whip.
  6. When your mixture is light and fluffy you’re good to go!
  7. Finally, line your baking dish with parchment paper, using a rubber spatula, pour the fluff into your glass dish. Store it in the fridge for about 3 hours and boom! Fluffy bunnies.
  8. I’ll add one last step, get some roasting sticks, a bon fire and roast those puppies over some acoustic sing a longs! If you’re confused as what to get your father for fathers day, I say make him the friends/fam a big ole batch of these and if you don’t have a fire pit, get one! The best kind’s of gifts are always experiences, the best kind of experiences are usually ones you can eat too 😉

Coming to you tomorrow, homemade BodyEcology style graham crackers! That’s right folks, s’mores! All you’ll need is these marshmallows, some of your finest raw chocolate and the grahams I’ll be whipping up today and posting tomorrow!

Enjoy and stay tuned!