The other day I got inspired to play with a few new flavors. I wanted to originally make a Rose Butter Truffle using fresh rose pedals and powder. I couldn’t find all the ingredients I needed so what did I do? I created something out of what I could find!

Never be afraid to use what you have!

Personally, I have found growing up with modest means that when people have less, they are more creative. This isn’t so say we can’t have nice things, but honestly, how much does one really need when they have creative abilities? I’ve found that there is no such thing as lack to the creative mind. This recipe is the proof!

Not only did this recipe turn out to be delicious to the ridiculous, it inspired me to make my next hit recipe. I think it’ll be a hit at least šŸ˜‰ Stay tuned later in the week for that one…

Until then, butter balls anyone?

White Chocolate Strawberry Truffles

The ingredients here are of course quality as always. However, it might seem strange to you that essentially, you’re eating a strawberry dusted butter ball. It’s okay, my friend was just as shocked.

As I rolled out the truffle filling he expressed his deepest concerns to me, “Yo dude, If you would have tried to tell the young 15 year old Kurtis that i’d be eating butter balls, I’d been fighting”.

Now, no one is quite sure what the hell that even means. But no one ever really knows what Kurt is saying, at the same time, we know exactly what he’s saying. Ya feel?

So if you too are concerned to eat a butter ball, have no fears, once you take one bite you’ll understand that you’re truly safe. Not to mention, the choice of ingredients are to benefit.

We have cultured grass-fed organic butter, which despite all the non-sense is a health food. I’ll spare some words and direct you here, to learn about the health benefits of real butter. Additionally, I load these babies up with Bulletproof ingredients that are particularly crafted to be free of any toxins and nutritionally dense.

I know you want them, so let’s get rolling my good people.

Here’s what you’ll need:

Here’s how you make it:

  1. Make the outer coating by crushing your freeze-dried strawberries into a dust or small pieces. The smaller the pieces the easier it will be to apply.
  2. Melt your butters over a double boiler until they are soft.
  3. Using a whisk or electric mixer, combine the egg yolk, xylitol, brain octane and vanilla. Mix together.
  4. Pour into glass dish and refrigerate or freeze until solid again.
  5. Using an ice cream scoop or spoon, spoon out small 1×1 inch sized balls (you don’t want them too big as they are rich!).
  6. The truffle butter will melt again quickly so run your hands under cold water or hold in the freezer so while rolling them into balls you don’t melt them too much.
  7. Once you have your balls formed, you will want to roll them in the strawberry and coconut coating.
  8. Place back in fridge to firm back up then eat when ever you desire!