When I put together the recipes for my Bulletproof Marshmallows and the most Bulletproof graham crackers I could, I of course had to eventually make(more…)
Month: June 2015
Bulletproof Pu-erh Tea
Pu-erh tea (pronounced POO-air) is the fine wines of loose leaf tea. It is the most oxidized form of tea, meaning it is the most(more…)
DIY Tips for Healthy Teeth & Gums
Oil pulling is the simple but ancient technique of swishing oil in your mouth as a mouthwash. Use about one tablespoon of organic oil. Coconut and sesame(more…)
Nutrition Protocols to Remineralize & Repair Cavities
About five years ago was the last time I ever visited a dentist, with the intention of never visiting the dentist again. Just like I(more…)
Good For You Marshmallows!
When’s the last time you had a marshmallow? My guess, if I were to guess, which I am pretty good at guessing so here I(more…)
Creamy Chamomile Latté
I’ve been sort of fasting lately but not this is no ordinary fast. I suppose you could just call it a liquid diet. I am(more…)
Forever Beautiful Hair: Plus Recipe
Everyone wants a quick fix. But i’ll be honest, there is no such thing as a quick fix. Even those drugs only mask a symptom,(more…)
Polyphenols For Graceful Aging
Everyone wants to age gracefully. Some do it for different reasons but we can all agree that at the core we want to feel good(more…)