Apple pie is nice and all but I’d rather have chocolate any day. While taste preference is certainly a thing, just observing the differences in(more…)

Tag: Gluten-free
Probiotic Pumpkin Almond Cheese
Love cheese but want a healthier option than pasteurized commercial cheese? While there are some quality raw, grass-fed cheese available, nothing beats homemade. This particular(more…)
Bulletproof Pumpkin Ginger Spice Cookies
I know cookies aren’t the most creative thing I could come up with as far as recipes go. However, I can’t be making all of(more…)
White Chocolate Strawberry Truffles
The other day I got inspired to play with a few new flavors. I wanted to originally make a Rose Butter Truffle using fresh rose(more…)
Good For You Marshmallows!
When’s the last time you had a marshmallow? My guess, if I were to guess, which I am pretty good at guessing so here I(more…)
Creamy Chamomile Latté
I’ve been sort of fasting lately but not this is no ordinary fast. I suppose you could just call it a liquid diet. I am(more…)
Heal Your Adrenals With This Coffee Alternative Recipe
Though recently I’ve gained a newfound love for coffee since first trying Bulletproof Coffee, I have not forgotten about those who truly may not be(more…)
Savory Sunflower Seed Crackers
So, you’re a cracker addict. It’s okay, I get it. We all have our vices — mines dark chocolate. I’m not here to judge, I’m(more…)