About five years ago was the last time I ever visited a dentist, with the intention of never visiting the dentist again. Just like I made the decision some ten years ago to never see another doctor.

Maybe you think I’m crazy but I think most doctors are crazy, most dentist included. Why? Because many of them they’re dishonest. Personally, I’ve never met an American physician of any sort to actually heal anything, or even admit that their knowledge is limited. Many of them are pure know-it-alls. My personal opinion, they don’t know and are drug salesman that sell false solutions.

If you’re reading this and are an honest physician, this doesn’t include you.

My Story…

It was five years ago in Chicago I was told I needed a root canal. I went to the dentist out of the most debilitating tooth pain of my life. I just so happened to be on a 100% raw vegan diet too, but more on this later.

When I got in the Doctor went on to explain why I needed a root canal and I listened intensively, seeking an optimal solution, I was not interested in what I knew most dentist suggest. When I posed the question “how can you heal it?” she simply said “you can’t, you need surgery”.

This thing is, I knew you could heal it. However, I wasn’t educated on exactly how yet. Out of my own ignorance to health at the time, I proceeded with the surgery but immediately began studying, I had never wanted to go through this experience again out of my irresponsibility of my own health.

Because of the ridiculous amount of money I was spending, the dishonesty and frustration I learned everything I could. Over the next few days, as I met with the Dentist, I began asking her questions on my research, “did you know you can heal root canals with nutrition?” was the very first question I asked after my research.

She looked at me and I knew no one had ever asked this before. Luckily, she was actually Indian and thought she never studied, she was familiar with the practice of Ayurveda. Her ears opened and I shared my findings.

Though I had never studied the subject or dental health, I was already deep into the study of holistic nutrition at this point, so I had a great deal of information to connect the dots.

Come to find out, despite her using the words, she actually knew nothing of inflammation, bacteria, infection, nutrition and the immune system. In general, she was completely illiterate on the subject of health.

The moment was a bit nostalgic. I was relieved to know I was on to something; however, there I was, having a my mouth operated by someone who was practically playing Doctor. Her education was completely fragmented. I can’t blame her, even she didn’t realize. I guess that’s why they call them “specialists”. Too bad they don’t specialize in wellness instead of illness though…

I got my surgery; however, from that day I never went back. I was told I might need another root canal. and had potential cavities. Today, I have none. I haven’t had a single pain in my mouth, no bleeding, and the most wild part, that hole I had in my tooth that was supposedly going to need a root canal has filled in.

Even one of my old little fillings popped out and began to fill in. My mouth has never been healthier. I went from consistently struggling with tooth decay, ache and pain/sensitivity, on and off bleeding gums to proper dental health. To say the least, I never have an issue with my teeth anymore.

In fact, they’re healing more over time. They’ve gotten whiter naturally (which I’ll teach you how to do), my gums are smooth and never inflamed. Something really cool is I don’t don’t plaque on my teeth anymore. Which I found out was a vitamin K2 deficiency, solved by my rather moderate consumption of fermented foods, especially raw goat milk kefir and raw cultured butter.

So how did I do it?

Well, what I learned overall is that our diet is the key to creating a healthy mouth. When you consider how insane and poisonous our food system is it makes a lot of sense why a traditional dentist cannot really help someone with their dental hygiene — it takes understanding the food system, nutrition and even digestion.

Of course, like all healing it happens first on a spiritual level, then mental then finally the physical. This is exactly what happened in me around the topic. I knew spiritually I was trapped by the lies of the western world, so I freed myself of the deception then reeducated myself. This is what I learned…

Eating Tips For Healing Teeth:

I am not going to share every last detail of what to do to heal your teeth in just this one blog post. There are many things to consider but I want to share with you at basic the fundamentals.

Diet is one of the largest factors in having healthy teeth, which effects your entire immune system. At the beginning of this journey I discovered the Body Ecology Diet, this was about 5-6 years ago. The principles I discovered on this “diet” started dramatic healing in my mouth.

Here are some of the eating guidelines plus other specifics I’ve picked up over time:

  • Avoid Commercially Made Whole Grain Products. Yeasted breads have 40-80% of their phytic acid intact in their finished product. If a yeasted bread is made with unbleached white fl our, however, it will not have much phytic acid. I have cited numerous examples of the problems with grain bran and germ, and demonstrated that these problems are eliminated by removing the grain bran and germ. There is a big price to pay for not removing most of the bran and germ in the grains in the grass family including wheat, rye, spelt, kamut, and barley. I have heard of several cases now of whole wheat sourdough with spelt causing severe tooth decay. This is because fermentation, while good at removing phytic acid, does not neutralize all the grain toxins like lectins in certain types and varieties of grains. This leads me to the conclusion that it is best to avoid commercially prepared breads, crackers, health food bars, pastas, cereals and anything else in the store that contains whole grains. No exceptions. Since quinoa and buckwheat are pseudo cereals and not exactly grains, there is some chance that they can be consumed whole provided you remove the phytic acid. But I do not know this for certain. Without knowing what the exact toxin is in the grains causing severe cavities, and without testing each store-bought food, I cannot say that any whole grain foods from the store will keep your teeth safe from tooth decay.
  • Avoid sprouted grain breads. Another deadly food for teeth is commercially made sprouted grain products from whole grains. The whole grain plant toxins are not sufficiently neutralized by sprouting and these foods can cause severe tooth decay.
  • Avoid most gluten-free grain products. Many gluten-free products are made with brown rice. Brown rice will be very high in phytic acid and these products should be avoided. Gluten-free grain products made from white rice, on the other hand, will not have much phytic acid or grain toxins.
  • Avoid breakfast cereals. These now have bran or whole grains added to them for the advertised fiber and supposed health features of bran. Cereals with whole grains will be very high in phytic acid and likely high in other grain toxins.
  • Avoid health food bars. Many contain whole grains that are not properly soured and are very high in grain toxins. They also contain lots of sugar. If you’re into bars or want something on the go then make your own. Bulletproof has put together what has to be the only truly health bar there is on the market. They are called Collagen Bars and are to LIVE for. Not only promote dental health by being sugar-free, they are loaded with collagen, amazing for both the skin and teeth!
  • Limit popcorn. Popcorn has some phytic acid. Definitely avoid it if you havetooth decay. Moderate amounts of popcorn are safe to eat for people who are otherwise healthy.

Nut Suggestions

Nuts in moderation should not be a problem for most people with minor cavities. If you have severe tooth cavities, or have some nagging cavities that do not heal, consider avoiding nuts entirely until the problem resolves.

Basic Guidelines:

  • Avoid commercially produced nut butters.
  • Always sprout/soak nuts and make sure they are unpasteurized.
  • Moderate the amount of nuts you eat; do not make them your staple food.
  • Make sure to have plenty of food-based vitamin C, or calcium-rich foods with your nuts, such as roasted and skinless almonds with raw cheese.
  • Be careful with almonds; they seem to be very high in plant toxins. The skins must be removed.

Nutrients for Remineralization

  • Iron. Iron deficiency is the most common nutrient deficiency in both less-developed as well as industrialized countries worldwide. This deficiency is explained by the iron binding effects of phytic acid from grains and beans. In general mollusks and organ meats are high in iron. Certain herbs like nettles are said to be high in iron. People eating diets containing grains are going to be much more susceptible to iron deficiencies due to the iron-binding qualities of phytic acid. Interestingly enough, cacao powder is high in iron and copper. This may explain people who do not eat meat.
  • Copper. Copper supports iron utilization in your body. Copper is the glue that holds tooth and bone together. Liver and mollusks are high in copper. Mushrooms have small amounts of copper. A great source of copper is He Shou Wu, it can be taken daily and makes a wonderful additive to Bulletproof Coffee and other herbal tonics. I use it in recipes like this one all the time!
  • B Vitamins. Vitamins B12 and folic acid work together to help iron function properly in your body. Green leafy vegetables that are high in folate include asparagus, seaweed, spinach and okra. Animal sources of folate are clams, livers from a variety of animals, octopus, poultry giblets, kidneys, fish eggs and fish. I have found liver to be the most nutritionally rounded food, its a magical cure for tooth decay. It is also a well known solution for anemia. Liver can be consumed cooked, seared or raw. Liver helps your body live. It contains nearly every vitamin and mineral needed to build healthy teeth and bones except for fat-soluble vitamin D, magnesium and calcium. Coconut kefir is also teaming with B-vitamins. Not to mention, a healthy gut filled with benefical probiotics can actually produce B-vitamins, all the more reason to consume foods like coconut kefir and other fermented foods.
  • Zinc. Zinc is necessary to produce enzymes and aids in controlling our blood sugar levels. Typically the factors inhibiting iron absorption such as phytic acid often have an even more pronounced negative effect on zinc absorption. Oysters are very high in zinc, with lesser amounts found in liver, red meats (beef, bison and lamb), shellfish, and turkey. I recommend food sources always for nutrients, unless you have proper blood work. That being said, I personally take He Shou Wu daily to ensure bio-available sources of zinc and copper.
  • Manganese. Manganese helps control blood sugar levels and aids in tooth mineralization. Mussels, nuts, sweet potato, liver, kidney, blueberries, pineapple, and green and black tea, are more concentrated in their manganese content than other foods. Somewhat smaller amounts of manganese are present in most vegetables, berries, beans and sea foods. Phytic acid inhibits the absorption of manganese.
  • Iodine. Iodine is helpful for fat metabolism and is found in sea foods, sea weeds, fish broth, butter, pineapple, artichokes, asparagus and dark green vegetables. Sea vegetables are the most outstanding source of Iodine and other dental supporting minerals. If the thought of eating seaweed turns you off I say don’t knock it ’til you try it. However, for the picky eaters you can supplement. Only go with a detoxified iodine though. Even better, I suggest an seaweed extract for a safer, whole-food option.
  • Healthy fats. Healthy fats support smooth hormonal function and are a great source of energy. They come from organic sources and include avocado, palm and coconut oil, MCT oil (a blend of palm and coconut), olive oil, butter (preferably raw), pastured beef, pork, chicken, and duck fat. Conventional vegetable oils are not healthy fats. Animal fats contain special vitamins that remineralize teeth, while vegetable fats generally do not. Particularly healing for the teeth if fermented cod liver oil. It contains vitamin A, D and K2.

Fats to Avoid:

  • Trans fats. Trans fats come from adding hydrogen to vegetable oil through a process called hydrogenation. Margarine is an example of a trans fat. Factory made trans fats are toxic to the body. Trans fats have replaced real fats like organic butter, tallow and lard. Eating trans fats means you have replaced important fat-soluble vitamins from animal fats with man made toxic fats.
  • Canola Oil. Canola is not the name of a plant, but rather a shorted term for Canadian Oil. The FDA prohibits the use of canola oil in baby formulas because it retards growth. The trans fat content of canola oil is listed at 0.2 percent, yet independent research has found trans levels as high as 4.6 percent in commercial liquid oil. Canola oil is extracted by a combination of high temperature mechanical pressing and solvent extraction. My experience in consuming canola oil is that it makes me feel congested and I start coughing. Because it is cheap, and believed to be healthy due to its monosaturated fat content, canola oil is what many restaurants and health food stores unfortunately use for frying their food. If they only knew that this rancid oil was not good for their customers they might stop using it. These establishments falsely tout the health benefits of canola oil. The inferior taste and feeling from foods cooked in canola oil repels me, and probably many customers from these food establishments.

A Simple Eating Remineralizing Program

So you have some of the major points of eating for tooth repair and what decays them. The take home points are to cut processed grains, refined sugars, most if not all commercialized food, and bad fats. Additionally, you want to consume REAL food. With emphasis on healthy fats (vitamins A, D, K2), quality proteins, fermented foods, and tons of vegetables.

Here’s some food suggestions and what a daily eating regimen might look like to repair your teeth:

  • 1⁄2 teaspoon two or three times per day of Green Pasture’s Blue Ice Royal Blend
  • 2–4 cups of raw fermented, whole-fat dairy per day in the form of raw milk kefir, cultured butter or whey. Always look for organic, grass-fed and local if you can. This website is great for finding quality dairy in your area. Also consider an eggnog! I have a recipe coming over the next few blogs as I continue the series on dental health!
  • 1–2 cups of homemade gelatin-rich bone or at least 2-3 tablespoons grass-fed collagen or gelatin.
  • 6–18 ounces of high quality animal protein. You might be turned off by the idea of eating animal protein; however, if you’re teeth are in bad shape — or your health in general — you will likely find it incredibly healing. When I had my root canal I was completely dogmatic about my raw vegan diet. Accepting that it was likely the cause of my accelerated teeth problems took some surrender and expanding my mind. Throw down your dogmas and just give it a whirl. You do not need much animal protein anyway. Just a bit each day will do. Eat it either raw or very low-heat and slow cooked like in a broth or stew for optimal digestion and health.
  • Plenty of lightly cooked vegetables. Including but not limited to beet greens, kale, chard, zucchini, broccoli, celery, and string beans. These can be consumed as soups or even better cultured! I love Body Ecology’s Vitality SuperGreens because it’s loaded with freeze-dried greens that are all fermented. It’s an easy way to get mineralizing greens, probiotics and bio-available protein into your diet. It’s by no means a substitute for real vegetables, but in a modern world where fresh, organic food can be pricy or hard to come by, it can be truly helpful. Plus it blends into a smoothy easily. I recommend it for people just starting out as a catalyst to the fermented veggie world.
  • Eat something fermented daily or even better with each meal. Fermented raw, grass-fed dairy is a healthy wonder for the teeth. It’s just not easy to come by; however, put in the effort to get it in the beginning of your teeth healing journey, it’ll be worth it! I don’t consume much like I used to — I once lived off of nothing but raw goat milk kefir, grass-fed milk kefir, coconut kefir, other probiotic beverages, raw cultured butter, egg yolks, avocado and sauerkraut for 3 months. It healed me unlike anything I knew possible, especially my teeth. I know this stuff works and I attribute a lot of it to the power of raw and fermented foods. Today, my teeth are in incredibly good shape and I maintain by consuming home made sauerkraut. You can learn make some by downloading this free guide I made.

Now, I am not saying this information and my experience is to replace professional dental care. I am however asking our society to revise what they consider “professional dental care”. Because a physician that does not heal, is insanity.

If you can find a holistic dental hygienist then great, they can educate you on the stuff I am going to share today so you can take your dental care back into your hands. The bottom line, a professional would just help you help yourself. Most of our dentist cannot do that. They sell you drugs and procedures that leave you dependent.

The new world dentist would be able to confront and teach you about natural hygiene, nutrition, and stress. There would be no topic they couldn’t confront. They would consider the entire picture, because it is all connected. There wouldn’t be “dentist” there would simply be honest, ethical and spiritual healers, here to love and show you the way to the good life.

To your wellness,