Oil pulling is the simple but ancient technique of swishing oil in your mouth as a mouthwash. Use about one tablespoon of organic oil. Coconut and sesame seed oil work well, and olive oil is another option.
How To Oil Pull:
- Take 1 tsp. of coconut oil and place in mouth. Any time of day works, I like mornings and evenings.
- Swish the oil around as long as you can.10-20 minutes is ideal but it can be difficult to go that long.
- Spit the oil out when you are done (not in your sink, outside or in the garbage) and rinse your mouth well. The oil pulls out toxins from your gum tissues and helps remove deeply embedded debris. This is a great treatment for gum problems, bad breath, or to increase your overall oral health.
Blotting Technique To Heal Gum Disease At Home
Forget about expensive gum disease surgery. The late dentist Joseph Phillips discovered a highly effective treatment method for gum disease. He also has some remarkable comments on the causes of gum disease. Instead of believing that gum disease results from buildup of tartar, Dr. Phillips was convinced it was the other way around: tartar is actually the result of gum disease.
Dr. Phillips went as far as stating that, “The truth of the matter is that brushing and flossing causes periodontal disease.” more brushing and flossing causes more gum disease. This is because the normal motion of tooth brushing concentrates the tooth tartar at the gum line where it is left to fester. The gum line area known as the gingival sulcus is always the dirtiest after brushing.(1)
The irritating substances constantly contacting the gum tissues usually causes the gums to recede or become inflamed over time. When this area is not cleaned carefully after brushing with blotting, or an oral irrigator, then brushing will contribute to gum disease.
How to Blot at Home
The blotting technique is so effective you can expect to see noticeable results within three weeks in a high proportion of cases. Part of the blotting technique is to clean all of the soft tissue surfaces in your mouth with a gum toothbrush. The complete technique is rather difficult to explain accurately in text so watch this video to see how it’s done.
Healing Gum Disease Program
Healthy teeth are not possibly without healthy gums. But because many of us are only in it for the physical appearance of things, we give much more attention to white, shinny teeth than the health of our gums. That is of course, until they gums start getting inflamed or painful.
How do you know if your gums are healthy? Well, for starters they should not be bleeding, in pain or inflamed or discolored at all. If they are it could mean a number of things; bacterial infection or toxicity. A common symptom of mercury toxicity is bleeding gums and loose teeth.
Since scurvy and a vitamin C deficiency are easily caused by a diet heavy in whole grains, I recommend being extremely careful with consuming grain products, especially refined grains. Just to be on the safe side of healing, remove any grain products. You can also reference my first blog on nutritional protocols for dental healing.
In addition to being alert to the toxic factors in whole grains, avoiding the toxic foods mentioned in the previous blog will help fight gum disease. If any of the supplemental foods mentioned here are already in your diet, then you do not need to take them twice.
When your gums are in good shape again, then pick and choose aspects of this program to your liking. Here’s a basic protocol to bring the gums into good health:
- 1–2 teaspoons of food-based vitamin C from concentrated sources such as camu camu berry, acerola cherry, amalaki or rose hips for vitamin C. The best vitamin C supplement I’ve ever come across is this one. It’s jam packed!
- 1⁄2 –11⁄2 teaspoons per day Blue Ice fermented cod liver oil. This is to restore fat-soluble vitamins A and D to the diet for gum health.
- Find a source of raw milk and ferment it into kefir, consumed daily. Also, start experimenting with organic, quality raw meat (meat in stews is a second-best option).
- Avoid whole grains unless freshly ground, sprouted/soured, and appropriately sifted to remove the bran and germ.
- Use the blotting technique and/or an oral irrigator with warm water and sea salt at least twice per day.
- Practice oil pulling at least once per day.
- Pick one topical herb such as clove or oregano oil as additional treatment to support your gum health.
- Check if you have mercury poisoning from amalgam fillings and consider replacing them.
- Eat iron-containing foods as well as foods that enhance iron absorption such as beef, lamb, liver, clams or leafy green vegetables.
- Avoid mouthwashes that are anti-bacterial that contain chemicals. We do not want to kill the good bacteria. Instead, chew on fresh oregano or consider this mouth wash. It’s a food-grade hydrogen peroxide that is formulated to only kill harmful bacteria and does not kill the good bacteria.
- Avoid normal tooth brushing that irritates your gums. Get natural soft bristle brushes and use Redmond’s Earthpaste or make your own using mineral clay, spring water, sea salt and essential oils. You could also just brush using coconut oil.
Herbal Treatments for Healthy Gum
People have written that herbal treatments have done wonders for their gum problems. These treatments may also help strengthen your teeth and the ligaments that hold the teeth in their sockets. Herbs that are excellent for healing teeth include:
There are many other herbs that can help heal teeth and gums, just to name a few:
- Neem. This is a strong antibacterial herb. Traditionally, sticks of Neem were used as a natural toothbrush, and are regaining popularity. Modern research shows it can help to reduce plaque, prevent cavities and gum disease, and freshen breath. It is easy to add powdered Neem to your usual toothpaste. Remember that the bark is more potent than the leaf.
- Plantain. This is an easy-to-come-by herb/weed you’re probably already growing in your yard! I write about it on this blog post here. It heals wounds and draws out infection. Pop some leaves in a jar, cover with vodka, and let sit for 6 weeks to create your own plantain tincture.
- White oak bark powder. This stuff prevents the need for gum surgery and heals bleeding and infected gums.
- Myrrh gum powder. Used to heal gum infections.
- Xylitol. Though not technically an herb, it is plant derived from the birch tree. This stuff is actually a sugar substitute that has microbial balancing properties. The unique sugar molecule structure actually starves bad bacteria and alters their bio-film. This is why it is used in Earthpaste and I highly suggest adding it to your tooth care regime and diet in general.
Making Your Own Herbal Tooth/Gum Powder
I made a jar of this once years ago and it lasted about two years. It’s not the tastiest of stuff but man it lasts and its super effective! I’ve upgraded to Earthpaste for convenience and taste. It’s still very effective; however, it’s much more simple.
To make the powder is simple. Take whatever of the many herbs (or all of them) and combine them together with some clay powder. Be sure to get your herbs organic and in powdered form. Mix together and store in a air-tight jar then use by taking a 1/2 tsp. in your mouth and lightly brushing over the teeth and gums. Rinse as you would using clean water or this mouth wash.
I’d recommend the use of both or for a similar product as Earthpaste just add in some xylitol and essential oils to the mix. Here’s a really great idea for an herbal tooth/gum paste:
Here’s what you’ll need:
- 1/2 cup of Redmond’s Clay
- 1 tbsp. Neem powder
- 1 tbsp. Myrrh gum powder
- 1 tbsp. White oak powder
- 1 tbsp. Hardwood xylitol
- A few drops of peppermint essential oil
- Spring water to hydrate
Here’s how you make it:
- Mix all the dry ingredients together first
- Add in water slowly while mixing until it forms the consistency of a paste. Not too watery and not too thick.
- Lastly, add in the essential oil. You really only need a few drops. Maybe 3-4 max. Be sure to use a pure grade (edible) like YoungLiving.
Last Tips
Remember, health is mind, body, spirit. Though diet is such a huge player in our dental health, stress still effects us. Stress in any form can cause high levels of C-reactive proteins from inflammation and effect out teeth, vice versa.
That being said, experiment with alternative treatments like trigger point massage, acupressure, tai chi, and other forms of spiritual healing.
I work with one-on-one clients to incorporate spirit, mind, body healing approach. Working only at the body will prove futile. All coaches and practitioners would be wise to understand how the spirit and mind function in healing.
Message me for personal coaching details. And as always, thank you for reading and I hope these blogs help you!