There are few health problems quiet devastating as hair loss. Not only does thinning hair drastically change your appearance, but hair problems can indicate underlying(more…)

The Healing Powers of Red Light: Anti-Aging, Hair Growth, Skin Regeneration, Energy & More
Red light therapy seems to be a new and trendy thing to do in the wellness community; however, the therapeutic benefits of red light have(more…)
The Pitfalls of Ketogenic, Paleo & Low Carb Diets
Many of you have been curious as to what appears to be a drastic change from promoting ketosis, Paleo and low carb dieting, to what(more…)
The Real Reason You Can’t Gain Muscle: Exercise & Stress Metabolism
According to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, roughly 35% of U.S. adults are obese,1 and more than 34% are overweight.2 While(more…)
To Juice or Not to Juice: 5 Overlooked Benefits of Juicing
First, juicing was considered to be a staple of a healthy diet. Now, fruit, fructose, sugar and carbs are invalidated as being nothing more than(more…)
Thyroid & Weight Gain
Low thyroid is a popular, yet overlooked epidemic. In fact, statisically, 60% of American’s have hypothroid and don’t even know it. And as popular of(more…)
4 Surprising Reasons You Can’t Lose Weight
If you’ve been trying hard to lose weight; via dieting, cutting carbs and sugar, exercising more and eating less, but still cannot seem to cut(more…)
The STRESS of Ketosis: Why Fat for Fuel is a Bad Idea
Promoted as an ideal strategy for weight-loss, energy and longevity, ketosis (burning fat for fuel) is the latest dietary trend. You would think that the(more…)
Why Fasting IS NOT a Good Idea for Weight Loss
While fasting has been praised as the cure-all to every ailment; the fact of the matter is, fasting is a biological stress. Not only is(more…)
Liver Impairment Making You Fat?
Most health conditions can be traced right back to the governing organ of the body, the Liver. It’s called the “live-r” for a reason, we(more…)