Last spring I was fourtunate enough to come across my first big Pine Pollen harvest and since reaping the benefits of this epic wild food, I have been inspired to share it with all of you.

Whether you want to learn a bit about foraging wild food, you’re interested in optimal performance and want a natural alternative or you just want some seriously clean energy then this article is for you.

Pine Pollen is hands down the most complete and powerful ‘supplement’ I have ever consumed and guess what…you can get it totally for free! – more on that later though. It’s a true wonder substance, not only is it a 100% organic and natural whole-food it’s also a very strong medicine.

A lot of people talk about common super-foods like goji berries, raw cacao and bee pollen but many people fail to mention Pine Pollen as probably thee ultimate super-foods. It’s superior for many reasons but it’s real magic comes from the fact that is sourced directly from the wild where it’s adaptability, strength and nutrition content far exceeds that of anything grown in a lab or on a farm.

In short, Pine Pollen has over 200 bioacitve natural nutrients, minerals and vitamins source all in one source. What’s more, is that is the active constituents in Pine Pollen are easily absorbed by the human body, where as most other supplements have very poor absorption rates – Pine Pollen is 90% more absorbable than bee pollen even.

The Many Benefits of Pine Pollen

Amongst a long list of unique benefits, in actuality, Pine Pollen has positive affects on the entire body, it’s a complete functional food acting as a:

  • Lung tonic (benefits the immune system and beautifies the skin)
  • Kidney tonic (very rejuvenating to the brain, hair, bones and endocrine system)
  • Liver tonic (stimulates liver regeneration and regulates bile secretion)
  • Heart tonic (increases cardiovascular endurance, raises blood levels of Superoxid Dismutase and lowers cholesterol)
  • Spleen tonic (Nourishes the muscles and increases metabolism which are both governed by the Spleen organ system in Asian medicine)


Pine Pollen is a powerful anti-oxidant, increasing SOD levels (superoxide dismutase, perhaps the most powerful and crucial antioxidant the body makes) in the blood. It also increass glutathione production, which breaks down and removes xenobiotics (environmental pollutants) and metabolites of oxidative stress (internal toxins made by the body) from the body.

Pine pollen benefits overall skin health and appearance, by providing natural androgens – youth hormones. Also, Pine Pollen has the ability to improve collagen and elastin production, which make up the underlying matrix of the skin. Pine Pollen keeps these proteins from degrading and causing wrinkles.

Keep in mind, one of the easiest ways to prevent wrinkles is to make sure you drink plenty of living spring water everyday! Last but not least, Pine Pollen reduces lipofuscin deposits – a brown pigment responsible for age spots a.k.a. liver spots – in the heart, brain and liver.


Pine pollen is most renowned for its potent androgenic effect it has on the body. It contains bio-available androstenedione, testosterone, DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), androsterone and a wide variety of other steroidal type substances! So it is literally Mother Nature’s steroids, which unlike synthetic steroids, are perfectly safe.

These anabolic compounds are only for building muscle, they keep the skin smooth and tight, maintain a healthy libido, optimize tissue regeneration, optimize breast health in women and testicular and prostate health in men, aid in the excretion of excess estrogens and speed up the metabolism to help burn off excess fat.


Healthy hormones are a key to keeping the body young, beautiful and healthy. Pine Pollen is rich in natural occurring phyto-androgens that help to counter the effects of estrogen mimicking substances commonly found in our plastic, modern world. Many of the plastics we found used to make bottles, food containers, body care products, cleaners, medications, and even our clothing can mimic estrogens in our bodies and cause disruptions. Pine Pollen is a natural estrogen detoxifier.

Additionally, plenty of people get also get an unnecessary amount of estrogen from commercial animal products like dairy and meat that contain added hormones. Those who consume industrial animal products aren’t the only ones in danger of estrogen overload, many plant based food products contain phyto-estrogens such as soy, hops, yams, nuts and seeds and other fruits and vegetables. It’s all about balance when it comes to hormones, and in today’s world, it is overly estrogenic – why is a deeper discussion!

For now, it is easy to see that estrogen can easily dominate a person’s system these days. Pine pollen’s ability to balance estrogen levels has never been more necessary today – if people wish to continue to procreate healthy children, then this is one issue that must be resolved! Not to mention, it is at the root of many weight issues, skin diseases, and mood disorders.

And yes, women can definitely get the benefits of Pine Pollen too without worrying about growing a masculine figure or beard. In fact, excess body hair growth in women (and hair loss in men) is more likely due to elevated DHT levels (which can be controlled with Saw Palmetto, Licorice and Nettle Root) rather than free testosterone, so no need to fear growing facial hair.

In men, the commonly known beer belly and erectile dysfunction are actually outward signs of high estrogen. Good news is that Pine Pollen has the power to “re-masculinize” an overly estrogenic male.


Want some seriously good energy? Look for further than Pine Pollen. It makes coffee, cacao and any energy drink seem pointless. Just when you harvest this stuff from the wild and the pollen is flying around the air, into your lungs and skin you feel the effects it has on the body and the huge increase of energy. The stuff is live and unlike any other energy boost you’ve probably recieved. It’s not like caffeine as a stimulate but more like the energy you get after really good sex.

And because it is a complete source of proper nutrition, the energy lasts without any crash. Pine Pollen is not a stimulating drug, and contains no stimulants, though it is more energizing than caffeine just in a different way. If you want the best pre-workout, then whip up some of my Pine Pollen Truffled Chocolates and you’ll be performing beyond you previous limitations. You can also consume in it a post-workout recovery shake for improved recovery time.


  • 30% protein
  • A complete protein
  • Greatly improves vitality and stamina
  • Promotes longevity
  • Improves muscle tone
  • Raises low testosterone
  • Increase male fertility
  • Combats and reverses the effects of Andropause (male menopause)
  • Eliminates sexual dysfunction due to low androgen levels
  • Balances the Estrogen to Testosterone ratio in Women and Men
  • Prevents prostate disease
  • Promotes liver cell activity aiding in liver detoxification and rehabilitation
  • Accelerate the activity of liver cells and regulate bile secretion
  • Enhance the metabolic function of the skin
  • Nourishes the hair at its roots
  • Regulates metabolism
  • Aids in weight management and promotes weight loss
  • Improves immune function
  • Rapidly decrease the time it takes to into shape
  • Gentle daily cellular detoxification
  • Eliminates brain fog and increases attention and cognitive function
  • Improves skin elasticity by promoting collagen production
  • Clears acne
  • Nourishes the brain
  • Dissolves and removes age spots on skin and in the body
  • Protect the cardiovascular system by improving the heart, blood, and the blood vessels. (Rutin, one of the components of pine pollen, increases the strength of the capillary vessels and helps protect the cardiovascular system.)


Most herbalists recommend Pine Pollen in tincture form is best for androgen therapy. Therefore, it may also be contradictory for young males. Therefore, Pine Pollen tincture, while in a sense more powerful, is better left to the adult men while Pine Pollen Powder is a better whole-food substance that does not have as high of an absorption rate of the androgens.

That being said, if you’re an adult bodybuilder, athlete or do manual labor, the tincture may be of most use to you. For anyone else, I recommend using a cracked-cell wall powdered extract.

For dosage, you can experiment but as a general rule of thumb, most herbs are best consumed 3 times daily over a course of time. You may also take Pine Pollen intermittently if you are using it for building muscle. For maintenance, I suggest the powder.

Pine Pollen Tincture

Pine Pollen Powder